The world is full of different countries, but going on vacation to Tanzania in 2024 will allow you to discover another culture, so different from your own! So why go so far away? Why not stay in France? Quite simply because traveling to Tanzania, perhaps with your children, will give you a feeling of fulfillment and peace, as you get up close and personal with a people rich in heart and spirit.
I’d like to share with you my first-hand experience of one of Africa’s most beautiful countries: the United Republic of Tanzania, which came into being on April 26, 1964.

First of all, where is Tanzania located?
Let’s take a look at the geography of this magnificent country. It is located in the south-east of the African continent, and has united with the island of Zanzibar to form a single entity, offering you sublime landscapes of great diversity.
Are you looking for an unforgettable trip or not?
Why choose Tanzania as your destination?
For its rich diversity:
I’ll try to remain objective by telling you that Tanzania, a country of many ethnic groups, is the African country with the strongest growth in tourism.
Indeed, this country is rich in diversity and culture, and the beauty of its landscapes will leave you with unforgettable memories captured by your camera!
Apart from its unique national parks, where wild animals roam free, Tanzania’s “face” changes as you travel along its dusty tracks. Every bend in the road hides a new animal or plant beauty that will force you to stop and admire it, always with caution of course!
Don’t you want to discover and see something else?

For the warm welcome of its people:
I’d be lying if I told you that Tanzania’s population isn’t a huge family of 64 million people.
As soon as you arrive on the airport tarmac, you’ll be greeted by customs officials with a broad smile, who will see in your eyes that you’re a little lost!
But don’t worry, don’t be stressed or apprehensive, because you’re about to discover an incredible people. Despite their great poverty, the Tanzanian people will open the doors of their modest homes, often built of rough agglos or makeshift sheet metal, with a large piece of sunburnt cloth as the only entrance.
A complete change of scenery:
I know that many of you will think that Tanzania is like any other African country, like Kenya or Senegal. Well, it’s not!
Why? Because since Samia Suluhu became the country’s President, Tanzania has undergone major economic and social change. You’ll be living among a people who are very religious, but also very rich in cultural traditions, values that have been lost in Europe in recent years, and which are the strength of this country.
If you want to visit luxurious castles, eat in 4-star restaurants and sleep in comfortable hotels, don’t come to Tanzania! On the other hand, if you’re looking to step out of your comfort zone and embark on an enriching human experience, then a vacation in Tanzania in 2024 is just what you need! And I say: “Welcome!

To instill strong values in your children :
I’m going to tell you a little story that I experienced with our guide, on the spot, Jacob, who became a friend. To get around more quickly, Jacob wanted us all to take one of the many mini-buses in town. In total confidence, we boarded one of these buses and our journey was filled with laughter and anecdotes told by Jacob. A few stops further on, a dad got on the bus with his little daughter, aged around 2, who was fast asleep. The dad walked over to us to sit down in the last remaining seat, and before sitting down, he laid his little girl on Jacob’s lap, who thought it was perfectly normal. I looked at my husband with an incredulous smile and said to myself in my head: “well, we’ll never see that in France, giving your daughter to a foreigner!”.
Jacob then explained to us that in Tanzania, all children are everyone’s children, and people look after and protect them as if they were their own. For these people, this is normal and thoughtless behavior, that’s just the way it is!
Prêts à partir ?
So, have I made you want to go on vacation to Tanzania in 2024? I’ll tell you more stories and anecdotes that happened to me during my stay there in another article soon.
Maybe you want to ask me some questions? Do not hesitate to contact me !